Selasa, 24 Mei 2011


Data Pribadi
Nama Lengkap                        : Sheily Nur Fajriah
Jenis Kelamin                           : Perempuan
Tempat, Tanggal Lahir              : Tangerang, 3 Januari 1992
Kewarganegaraan                    : WNI
Agama                                     : Islam
Status Perkawinan                    : Belum menikah
Tinggi, Berat Badan                  : 168 cm, 50 kg
Alamat Lengkap                       : Puri Teluk Jambe Blok B7 no. 3, Sirnabaya,
              Teluk Jambe Timur, Karawang
Telepon/HP                              : 085645698710
E-mail                                      :

1997-1998       : TK/TPA Baiturrahman, Karawang
1998-2004       : SDN Adiarsa Barat 3, Karawang
2004-2007       : SMPN 1 Karawang
2007-2010       : SMAN 1 Karawang

          1.      Kemampuan Akuntansi
          2.      Kemampuan Komputer Akuntansi
          3.      Kemampuan Komputer
          4.      Kemampuan Internet

Pengalaman Organisasi
2004-2005       : OSIS, jabatan anggota
2005-2006       : OSIS, jabatan Sekretaris
2007-2009       : OSIS, jabatan anggota

Minggu, 15 Mei 2011

Cerpen : Vinsya si Gadis Penjual Kue

Part 2_
            Mendengar ucapan dokter tersebut Vinsya dapat bernafas lega. Tapi dia bingung, mengapa masih ada sedikit perasaan mengganajl di hatinya. Tapi ia tak ingin memikirkannya berlebih dan langsung masuk ke kamar sang ibu dirawat.
            Dengan wajah yang masih pucat pasi ibunya memeluk Vinsya. Suasana haru pun menyelimuti kamar itu, yang saat itu hanya ada Vinsya dan Tantenya yang membantu menjaga ibunya.
            Beberapa hari pun berlalu. Ibunda Vinsya akhirnya diperbolehkan pulang dan melewati rawat jalan. Namun, setelah seminggu waktu berjalan, perasaan tak enak itu datang lagi. Ibu Vinsya masih dalam kondisi yang lemah. Vinsya semakin tambah bingung. Ada apa ini sebenarnya.
Dengan rasa penasaran, Vinsya mencari tahu ke rumah sakit itu. Akhirnya sang dokter yang merawat ibu Vinsya berkata jujur. Vinsya sedih yang teramat pada saat mendengar berita bahwa ibunya terkena kanker darah. Diperkirakan ibunya itu tidak akan bertahan hidup lama lagi. Vinsya bergegas pulang sambil menangis sepanjang jalan.
Dia bingung, sedih, dan tak tahu harus berbuat apa. Segala usaha akhirnya ia lakukan agar sang ibu sembuh dan dapat sehat kembali. Vinsya tak ingin merasa kehilangan seperti 5 tahun sebelumnya yang ia harus mengetahui sang ayah telah brcerai dengan ibunya. Sedikit waktu pun tak ayahnya sempatkan untuk menjenguk ibunya. Vinsya yang saat itu mesti mengikuti UTS di perkuliahannya, akhirnya mengundurkan diri dari kampusnya untuk merawat sang ibu. Tak ada satu pun teman Vinsya yang mengetahui berita atas mundurnya dari kampus.
Vinsya akhirnya tak melanjutkan perkuliahannya. Dan sebagai penghasilannya, ia membuat kue-kue seperti yang telah ibunya ajarkan kepadanya.
“Sya, kamu tak usah terlalu mengkhawatirkan ibu. Kuliah saja”, ucap ibu. Mendengar ibunya berkata seperti itu Vinsya malah semakin bergigih tidak akan melanjutkan kuliah dan akan tetap berjualan kue untuk biaya ibunya. Tak dapat dibayangkan bahwa seorang gadis cantik yang memiliki segalanya itu kini harus hidup dengan segala yang menyedihkan itu. Tapi tak sedikit pun Vinsya merasa kini dia kekurangan. Malah dia bangga dengan dirinya.
Sang ibu makin terharu. Vinsya kini telah menjadi dewasa dan mungkin akan bisa hidup sendiri suatu saat nanti. Setiap hari ia mengantarkan kue-kue untuk dititipkan di toko-toko atau warung-warung di sekitar daerah rumahnya. Suatu ketika,ia menerima pesanan kue yang sangat banyak. Ia senang sekali karena uang untuk ibunya berobat akan semakin banyak, ia bersemangat mebuat kue itu.
Kue pesanan yang telah ia buat dengan kegigihannya akhirnya jadi. Dan ia antarkan ke pemesan. Ia kaget karena saat mengantar kue tersebut, ternyata yang memesannya adalah keluarga Vino, teman kampusnya.
“ Kamu kemana aja, Sya? Selama satu tahun aku dan teman-teman mencarimu”, ucapnya sambil menerima kue itu.  Vinsya kaget dan ia langsung bergegas pergi.
Vino mengejarnya. Namun Vinsya sudah mengilang.


Minister of Finance

While other officials working to find sympathy and build imaging, Agus Marto come to bring change in the hitch.
Agus Martowardojo (

     'The opponents of Flows', a phrase that may be suitable pinned to the Minister of Finance of Indonesia, Agus Martowardojo. Breathe the bustle of national politics that bubbling, ranging from the super case Tambunan Gaius Head Line, News liberty Ayin, which carry the name of the court Sisbimakum Yusril Ihza Mahendra (Former MenhukHam), until the 'feud' Sby and Interfaith leaders do not dissolve in sentimental event page.
     Dikala other officials working to find sympathy and build imaging, Agus Martowardojo come to bring change in the hitch. For example, when the government and council members to be careful in saying about fuel and electricity subsidies, or even seemed to find sympathy, Agus Marto actually propose to remove subsidies on both elements tsb. According to the fuel subsidy magnitude data for the last two years amounting to Rp. 133.9 trillion (originated from Rp. 45 trillion [there in 2009 and Rp. 88.9 trillion in 2010). While TDL subsidies will be reduced gradually over five years. Budget subsidies that had been enjoyed by the riders will be diverted to other sectors (direct subsidies), such as education and health.
Tax Reform (and Case Gaius)
     For tax reform, Agus Martowardojo not say much. No statement about a very horrendous case of Gaius tsb and erode public confidence in the institutions of Taxes, other than asking relevant in the legal weight for no deterrent effect. Agus Marto it took the Supreme Court and the Judicial Commission for Tax Reform. Second Institute of Justice is expected they will be able to help do the coaching and supervision of tax court judges
     The three institutions (Ministry of Finance, the Supreme Court and the Judicial Commission) pour cooperation in a Memorandum of Understanding signed by Agus Martowardojo, Chairman of the Supreme Court Monitoring M. Young Hatta Ali, and Vice Chairman of the Commission on Judicial M. Thahir Saimina.
   Agreements Center also regulates the guidance and supervision of tax court judges, supervision and monitoring reports wealth Tax Court Judge State officials and the exchange of information among the relevant parties within the framework of implementation.
     "In line with this, the Ministry of Finance, the Supreme Court, and the Judicial Commission in order to answer the demands of society for the Tax Court is more credible and transparent, agreed to establish the Court of Tax Reform team," added the Chairman of the Supreme Court Monitoring M. Young Hatta Ali.
Financial Services Authority (OJK)
     The most recent is about draft legislation - the Financial Services Authority Act (Bill OJK). The government, represented by the Ministry of Finance submitted to the House bill OJK with the aim to organize the supervision of banks, capital markets and insurance. Despite the rejection of such Aviliani Observers and Staff Association of Bank Indonesia (IPEBI), Finance Minister Agustin Martowardojo insisted that OJK be formed.

     According to him, OJK needed to prevent recurrence of Century Bank. The case was due to 'game' Bank of Naughton and weak surveillance system against the rogue bank tsb. Agus refused to say, the existence of that authority will be to reduce the authority of oversight which is owned by Bank Indonesia and Bapepam LK. Instead, oversight for financial institutions including banks will become much easier because it has been put together in OJK.
   Previously, the majority of BI employees IPEBI states refused to join the OJK. IPEBI statement is reportedly based on a survey / data that BI employees of 473 respondents, 76.98% stated that refused to join with OJK. A total of 14.54% are willing to serve in the financial services sector supervisory agency. The remainder, 9.88% chose early retirement.
     But just saying that Finance Minister who refused to join the OJK possibility is that not a good employee performance. And Agus Marto sure will get a good employee to manage the Financial Services Authority (OJK).
House of Representatives (DPR)
    Partnering with Commission XI which oversees the finance, construction, banking and non-bank financial institutions, Agus Martowardojo also be firm. As in a hearing about the (planned) budget in 2011 on September 22, 2010, Agus Marto had reprimanded a member of Commission XI of the talk 'rather rude' to him.
     "If you submit your proposal please select the sentence. If it does not fit of course we will describe a complete, we open everything. By Allah, there is no intention to criminalization. Do not use the phrase that may offend our position, "said Agus Marto. (Source: detikFinance, Wednesday, 22/09/2010 17:54 pm, Ramdhania El Hida)
     Earlier on May 31, 2010, Agus Marto was made a member of Commission XI like fire beard. It is said that Minister of Finance is scheduled to present at a hearing with House Commission XI to discuss the draft Public Accountants Currency and do not meet the invitation page. Agus Martowardojo actually attend the event forming the corner of the people who carried out the Carrefour Lebak Bulus with Coordinating Minister for Economy and Trade Minister (source: - Monday, May 31, 2010 14:48 GMT)
     Parties have notified the Ministry of Finance reportedly told the Commission about the tsb pembetalan XI DPR RI.
     Despite the controversy surrounding both the news they will be, until January 2011, we see the coordination of the Ministry of Finance and the Commission XI DPRRI walk lancer. Almost all the proposals of the government represented by the Minister of Finance in response behind by its partners in the building senayan they will be, not to mention about the formation OJK.
          Performance of the Minister of Finance
     Behind the political issues surrounding gonjang ganjing Resuffle Cabinet and the changes in composition as well as the repositioning of the pro-government parties, both from the politicians and observers, none of which mention the Minister of Finance as part of the issue Resuffle. That is, both in the eyes of the politicians, the House of Representatives and observers Performance Finance Minister has shown good quality.
     Not touching Resuffle Agus Martowardojo of discourse that continues to spread, caused by many things, among others:
1. Agus Martowardojo and overall performance of the Ministry of Finance are not categorized red
2. Government partners feel there is nothing that can be used as ammunition to 'shoot' the Minister of Finance
3. Agus Martowardojo not from the Circle of Political Parties and politicians or surrogate
4. Assertiveness Agus Martowardojo on various issues which the authority area
5. Track Record Agus Martowardojo during terbalu is fairly clean and good to be associated with Discourse Resuffle Cabinet.

     My opinion about the performance of Agustin Martowardodjo is a professional who has sufficient political acceptability compered the other candidates who had called the news media. According to him, Agus very precise figures because the most important issue now is political.
      Acceptability is important, because because of government programs should be road and not obstructed the political process in parliament. “Therefore, Agus figure sufficient to become a minister.”
       My view of Agus also quite successfully reformed its organization at Bank Mandiri.
In my opinion, the figure Agus is a person who is ready with target and he persistence with that target. Agus is a hardworking figure.
      Indeed, when nominated to be Governor of Bank Indonesia some time ago,the DPR reject he. But, now situation have different so that does not reduce the acceptability of the parliament. Because, when it the government coalition is splitting. “Now the parliament coalition is solid”.
      Agus personally quite flexible. Agus has a good personal aproach to the parliament. Agus appreciate people's representatives. Not that he is below or above but can be a good dialogue with the parliament, for the sake of the nation. "Because, if you can not compromise, that is difficult. Not compromise in negative terms, but the dialogue in a dignified manner, "he said.
       So far, the dialogue financial minister-DPR, many board members complained. Because, the Parliament sometimes feel digurui. "From the experience was long enough Agus than another candidate who once called the media," he said.
       And I know in the market, Agus Martowardojo known brave. He dared to face the debtor snapper has touched the political connections of debt. Agus Martowardojo managed to force them to repay back his debts.
      "So, seen from his courage, and his track racord in banking, long supported by the echelons of the net, reformist, Agus Marto will be a fairly strong political umbrella for reform in the Ministry of Finance," he added.
      Let alone, the deputy Minister of Finance is Anny Ratnawati, Director General of Budget, which already echelon one and build a career in government. His figure is no doubt acceptable in an internal Ministry of Finance it self.

Kamis, 12 Mei 2011

Cerpen : Vinsya si Gadis Penjual Kue

Part 1_
      Vinsya seorang remaja putri yang duduk di kelas 2 SMA. Hidupnya penuh dengan kesempurnaan. Segalanya ia miliki. Harta, kecantikan, kepintaran, dan sebagainya. “Multi Talent”. Sehingga ia pun banyak yang menyukainya. Tak terkecuali bagi mereka sang putra-putra sekolah. Semua siswa mengenalnya tanpa terlewatkan satu pun. “Hhaha.. Lebayy..” :)
       Anak tunggal yang tidak lain kesayangan kedua orang tuanya. Tapi hingga kini ada satu hal yang cukup dianehkan. Secara seorang putri cantik kok nggak punya pasangan. Aneh kan.. ^^
     Tapi jangan salah. Itu bukan karena ada hal-hal aneh lohh!. Itu karena dia bingung sih kayaknya. Eitts salah, bukan begitu. Yang benar karena ia merasa dirinya sempurna seperti kebanyakan orang tau hingga ia kini merasa minder. Aneh ya??. Ia bertekad untuk tidak mengisi hatinya dulu untuk pria hingga ia lulus dan sukses dengan usahanya sendiri.
       1 tahun pun berlalu. Vina lulus dan masuk ke salah satu Perguruan Tinggi Negeri ternama di Indonesia.
Masa-masa ospek yang dinantikan namun ditakutkan banyak mahasiswa baru pun tiba. Vinsya memiliki banyak teman baru di kampusnya itu. Selain pintar, Vinsya pun memang seorang yang pandai dalam bergaul. Sehingga beban ospek tidak terasa menakutkan baginya.
       Di hari kedua ospek itu yang berlangsung selama 5 hari, ia datang telat. Bukan karena malas bangun. Tapi karena saat berangkat ia harus mengantar ibunya yang mendadak harus dibawa ke rumah sakit. Yang membuat keadaan makin memprihatinkan, para senior tidak menghiraukan alasan tersebut. “Nggak kebayang kan??”
       Namun dengan tenangnya Vinsya tetap tersenyum. Dan melakukan apa yang diperintahkan oleh para senior tersebut. Vinsya tetap merasa happy meski sebenarnya dalam hatinya memikirkan kondisi ibunya yang sakit. Vinsya belum tau mengapa ibunya pingsan mendadak pagi itu. Sepulang ia ospek, Vinsya langsung bergegas ke Rumah Sakit tanpa pulang ke rumahnya dulu.
        “Vinsya..”,ucap sang dokter. “Ibumu tak apa. Semangatkan ibumu”, ucap dokter itu lagi.


Rabu, 11 Mei 2011

Traditional Market and Modern Market

     Traditional markets are where sellers and buyers meet that accompanied the transaction between the two. In the traditional market, sellers and buyers can trade directly to bargaining activities. The price offered in the traditional markets are usually more affordable and lower than in the modern market. However due to lack of stringent safeguards, make the market seem daunting, especially for those living with economic level above the standard.
     The place is dirty, smelly, wet, damp, make people a bit difficult to make the traditional market as the choice of shopping. However, do not because from the many modern markets are emerging, the traditional market was forgotten even become a modern market. Traditional markets can be used as a place of historic and is a keepsake in the future due to increasing scarcity of traditional markets to survive in those days.
     Even the modern market has a meaning similar to traditional markets in terms of its function. But the difference is the atmosphere, environment, price and process. In the modern market between sellers and buyers are not linked directly. Prices were higher even to very much compared to the traditional market. Buyers shop by looking at the price list provided or without price tags or barcodes and can not be a bargain between them.
      Modern Market has a wonderful atmosphere with a neat arrangement of architecture, cool, clean, marble floors, etc. In the modern market also known as payment using credit cards or cash cards which in traditional markets can not be found.
     Nowadays it is not more difficult to find modern markets, particularly in urban areas. Because with the growing era of modernization, stood many modern markets with a variety of forms and the uniqueness of each.

Sabtu, 07 Mei 2011

Perbedaan Worker dan Staff

Worker adalah sebuah pekerjaan yang dimiliki seseorang sebagai tenaga kerja langsung. Yang berhubungan langsung dalam kegiatan seperti produksi. Seperti buruh atau pekerja pabrik. Sedangkan staff merupakan pekerjaan yang dimiliki seseorang dalam suatu organisasi dimana seseorang tersebut bertanggung jawab dan mempunyai wewenang atas pemikiran suatu rencana organisasi agar organisasi tersebut dapat mengalami kemajuan. Peran staf bukan sekedar pelaksana perintah pimpinan namun staf berperan sebagai pembantu pimpinan. Oleh karenanya dapat dikatakan bahwa staff memiliki pangkat lebih atas dibandingkan dengan worker.
Berdasarkan segi tujuan dari keduanya tidak ada yang membedakan. Baik worker maupun staff bekerja untuk mendapatkan upah / gaji dari hasil kerjanya. Keduanya sama-sama bekerja berdasarkan tugasnya. Namun dilihat dari segi pembayarannya, worker menerima gaji saat selesai ia bekerja sedangkan staff menerima gaji tetap perbulannya. Dengan kata lain dapat dikatakan bahwa worker menerima gaji perhari.
Biasanya, untuk penerimaan worker tidak mewajibkan melampirkan surat-surat seperti dalam penerimaan staff. Orang-orang yang bekerja sebagai worker biasanya yang bukan melanjutkan pendidikan ke jenjang yang lebih tinggi seperti Sarjana atau sebagainya, namun cukup memiliki ketrampilan dan keahlian di bidangnya. Sedangan staff adalah orang-orang yang memiliki atau menjadi seorang sarjana. Yang dimana memiliki kemampuan, keahlian, dan ketrampilan tidak hanya praktik namun juga teori. Sehingga staff biasanya yang lebih memiliki peran untuk memimpin dan meberi perintah.